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The Species

Seriola Lalandi_

Fish is positioned as a prime product in the international market as a perfect replacement for Tuna fish. It’s a fast-growing fish 250/300 grams per month (salmon 180/200 grams per month). This is a specie with strong adaptation to captivity (adequate for juvenile breeding) Specie with Chilean experience (Fundación Chile, Acuinor and Nothern Catholic University).

World types of Seriola

Seriola Lalandi_

Palometa, Dorado, Hiramasa, Vidriola, Yellowtail fish and Yellowtail Amberjack.

Seriola Quinqueradiata_

Medregal de Japón, Amberjack, Japanese Amberjack and Hamashi.

Seriola Dumerili_

Pez Limón and Greater Amberjack.

Seriola Rivoliana_

Medregal Limón and Longfin Yellowtail.

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